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  • Mother Teresa School
  • Mother Teresa School
  • Mother Teresa School
  • Mother Teresa School
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Thoughts of the day : The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.

Welcome to Our School

Holy angels Inter college was established in 1997 at Chinour, Shahjahanpur, IT is administered by the Sisters of the Religious Congregation of the Franciscan Servants of Mary, a charitable society registered under Societies Act XXI if 1860, S.NO. 663 of 1999. It is a Minority institution, School is affiliated to I.C.S.E. Board- New Delhi . The School aims primarily for the education of the catholic Community around and extends its service to the members of the other communities to the extent possible. The school stands for academic excellence , development of skills and character formation based on love of God and the service of man-kind as modeled in Jesus Christ , with a view of training citizens remarkable for all-round development, and sincere commitment to God and County. English is the medium of instruction , communication and examination in this institution , communication and examination in this institution .Hindi is taught from K.G. onwards . Holy Angles School believes that a sound , normal ,physical and cultural training is as important as academic and scholastic instruction in preparing students for their role in life, Hence great importance Is attached to games , sports and physical exercise , dramatis , social works etc, Thus it tries to impart on allround education to the students under its care. Holy angels Inter college was established in 1997 at Chinour, Shahjahanpur, IT is administered by the Sisters of the Religious Congregation of the Franciscan Servants of Mary, a charitable society registered under Societies Act XXI if 1860, S.NO. 663 of 1999. It is a Minority institution, School is affiliated to I.C.S.E. Board- New Delhi . The School aims primarily for the education of the catholic Community around and extends its service to the members of the other communities to the extent possible. The school stands for academic excellence , development of skills and character formation based on love of God and the service of man-kind as modeled in Jesus Christ , with a view of training citizens remarkable for all-round development, and sincere commitment to God and County. English is the medium of instruction , communication and examination in this institution , communication and examination in this institution .Hindi is taught from K.G. onwards . Holy Angles School believes that a sound , normal ,physical and cultural training is as important as academic and scholastic instruction in preparing students for their role in life, Hence great importance Is attached to games , sports and physical exercise , dramatis , social works etc, Thus it tries to impart on allround education to the students under its care.

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News & Events Highlights

Release News



Dear User, Welcome to Our School Website and we're excited to introduce you to our new look and feel. What’s on the new website? The new website boasts a clean design and intuitive and consistent site-wide navig...   Read More

Cancellation Examination


Cancellation of the Remaining Papers in the ICSE / ISC Year 2020 Examination...   Read More

Book List


Book List for the Session 2020 - 2021...   Read More

Fee Structure


Fee Structure for the Session 2020 - 2021...   Read More

School Message Desk

Mother Teresa School

Principal's Message

Sr. K. Fathima.

Every individual is a unique creation. God has shaped man in a special way and bestowed upon him many blessings according to the purpose and plan for his life. So, men differ in many ways; in size, complexion, talents, abilities, skills, character and so on, each designed to establish...

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Mother Teresa School

Manager's Message

Every human person today longs for acceptance, understanding and patience. These three are the basic constituents with which the service of education is to be imparted, but the society that we live in is full of rejection, misunderstanding and impatience or violence...

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